Lolaark Vision Inc Eyeing the First Scheduled Product Launch After Reaching the Initial Milestone of 200K CrowdFundings


Company Update

Wednesday, 08 December 2021 12:00 PM

Lolaark Vision reached the milestone of 200k in the first round of crowdfunding

On track to launch the first product, underwater live video visibility enhancer/clarifier for commercial divers by Q2 2022

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / December 8, 2021 / Lolaark Vision Inc. has developed proprietary technology that clarifies high-definition live video footage and expands the visibility radius with virtually no lag during live operations. The technology is available as pluggable modules that help in the navigation of automated and manned vehicles under very poor visibility conditions due to fog, haze, darkness, or turbidity. The potential application of this technology can range from self-driven vehicles, drones, traffic monitoring, flights, to robotics and advanced medical devices. The company is raising funds through crowdfunding for the initial phase and has crossed a record $200K milestone in its very first campaign.

Lolaark Vision Inc, Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Press release picture

Lolaark Vision Inc has announced the launch of its first product in April 2022, for aiding commercial divers during underwater inspections. The upcoming software technology for live video visibility cleanup and enhancement removes haziness and makes structures that are poorly visible or not even noticeable from a distance of 3-4 ft in murky water appear cleanly in the clarified video stream panel with most of their surface details pronounced, even when horizontal visibility is about 8 inches. Lolaark Vision's video clarifier is a standalone tool but can also synergistically function with sonar. Lolaark Vision will deploy the same technology to underwater remotely operated vehicles before the end of 2022.

This novel tool will revolutionize camera inspections of all marine assets underwater. The clean video stream along with the original footage can be transmitted in real-time anywhere in the world via third-party video conferencing software. The user can watch the live camera stream and the clarified footage side-by-side with virtually no lag. This is great news for the shipping industry because many inspections that presently cannot be done in a port due to high water turbidity will now become feasible. This will save time and cut inspection costs, risks, and asset downtime.

The live video clarifier expands visibility not only underwater but also on the land and in the air. When visibility conditions deteriorate due to fog, haze, rain or snow, and even darkness The same core technology can work for assisting navigation or piloting of autonomous and manned vehicles via high definition camera. The company has already created prototypes for commercial diving and ROV plugin products, and the prototype has been successfully tested in field operations.

"Our main goal is to enter the marketplace of autonomous or remote navigation software for cars and drones" Prof. Papadakis, Lolaark Vision's CEO mentioned in one of the company's Virtual Open Houses. He further added, "Our investors believe in that goal. In just two months we attracted more than 240 investors who share our vision. Our key advantage is that we have something more powerful than one or two products. We have an HD-video processing platform that can be made into a plugin module for a variety of software and hardware products that rely on live video streams. Those range from self-driven vehicles, drones, traffic monitoring, flights, to robotics and advanced medical devices."

Lolaark Vision held two virtual open house sessions with potential and current investors on two consecutive weekends (November 13 and 20, 2021). These virtual sessions were conducted on Zoom in which Prof. Emanuel Papadakis (President) and Dr. Sanat Upadhyay (CTO) addressed questions related to their current achievements, the expansion of the development team, and future plans. The company has initiated discussions with strong user bases seeking good partnerships with companies manufacturing self-driving cars and remotely operated land vehicles. Lolaark Vision's visibility enhancement applications will be used as a plugin to their (OEM's) piloting software allowing safer and more efficient navigation under difficult circumstances.

Lolaark Vision Inc has a successful equity crowdfunding campaign that is currently underway on the Start Engine platform (

About Lolaark Vision Inc.

Lolaark Vision Inc is a research and development company specialized in visibility enhancement for digital videos and still images. Lolaark Vision's proprietary technology was invented by Dr. Sanat Kumar Upadhyay as part of a research project with co-inventor Prof. Emanuel I. Papadakis of the University of Houston, in Texas, USA. It is founded on several sophisticated mathematical models and algorithmic implementations enabling visibility restoration or enhancement in a broad number of adverse visibility conditions and for all digital cameras. Its software improves the visibility of scene structures in still photography and recorded or live stream video, in a way that makes shapes easily recognizable even when they are not even visible in the original input.


Emanuel Papadakis
Corporate office:
1037 Cheshire Ln, Houston, TX, 77018

Social Media Handles:

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @LolaarkVision
Twitter: @LolaarkVision
Instagram: @LolaarkVision

SOURCE: Lolaark Vision Inc.

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