Zamyx: At the Forefront of Information Technology in Healthcare


Company Update

Wednesday, 10 February 2021 03:35 PM

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / February 10, 2021 / The COVID-19 Pandemic has put the community into full overdrive. With vaccines only just really starting to come off the market and make rounds in most affected countries, a quality healthcare system is now an even more important issue. Without it, whole communities and organizations wouldn't have the means necessary to ensure safety and health to their people. A very important role in preserving and improving that crucial healthcare system lies in Information Technology (IT).

With 10 years of both Healthcare and IT experience, Zamyx is at the forefront of providing integrated healthcare services to organizations and cities in North America and Canada. With a team of only 5 people, "less is more" certainly applies to the Healthcare IT company. Zamyx consultant Zoha Vance had this to say about company operations, "We give consultancy on what sorts of IT systems to acquire based on the current model of the healthcare system. We also perform hands on work if needed. Our service provides a non bias and evaluated decision to the customer when battling between multiple different vendors. We provide an analysis of all current organization systems and what the "missing piece" may be for the client."

Zamyx, Wednesday, February 10, 2021, Press release picture

The crux of IT in healthcare is helping medical facilities operate smoothly, with no errors, greater quality of care, complete security and privacy, reduced costs, and to be able to cope with unforeseen events, much like the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. Yet, not all medical facilities are fully equipped to run at their full potential. Zoha says that a major pain point in his clients is that they often lack the necessary information or experience with regards to healthcare systems. The goal thus, of Zamyx is to "Bring all the information to our clients, as we are the ones that have worked and gained knowledge and experience from both ends of the spectrum, Healthcare and IT."

With that said, It's in communication that IT really shines in it's role for Healthcare. It's through a good healthcare system that channels of communication between staff, patients, vendors, and hospitals is possible. To do this, Zamyx installs hardware and software solutions which they maintain themselves to ensure medical facilities can focus on what's on their plate, and do it more efficiently. Simply put, Zamyx's IT services in healthcare systems keeps the ball rolling.

Technology is a fundamental need for Healthcare services. Medical facilities all over the world ought to make it their priority to get up to standard with healthcare systems and partner with dedicated Healthcare IT Support like Zamyx. The consultants in Zamyx know this, and for that reason, they offer a free first walkthrough consultation for IT directors and medical professionals. Establishing the rapport is important after all, as Zamyx also aims to be the bridge between vendors and hospitals.

Zoha further adds, "We want our clients to have a fuller understanding of the healthcare infrastructure. By working with us, we can point out gaps in the organization's healthcare systems and help them utilize their existing systems to the best of their capacity as well as suggest what new additions will be helpful. That way, they can make informed decisions and we do our part in increasing awareness that the importance of an efficient healthcare system cannot be understated."

It's their dedication to providing a seamless, educational, and effective service that puts the five man team in Zamyx at the forefront of Healthcare IT services. When asked finally, what makes the team so special, Zoha had this to say: "We're just young minds with a lot of working experience and new ideas that can help hospitals achieve their next goal."

Learn more about Zamyx, Zoha Vance, and how they can help bring your healthcare system up to full speed.

Zoha Vance
[email protected]
