Safe Nuclear: A New Type of Radioactive Wastewater Purification Process
SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / February 29, 2024 / Quantum Kinetics Corporation (QKC) recently emerged from stealth mode to publicly timestamp the first-ever modular, synthetic device producing sustained Electro-Physical Transmutation (E-PT™), an invention that pushes the boundaries of nuclear technology onto untrodden ground. Since the announcement, the press and esteemed members of the scientific community have increased inquiries about the avant guard technology. Implicit in their probing questions are demands to disclose the applicable experimental data and detected isotopic changes vouching QKC's extraordinary scientific feat - Safe Nuclear.

Engineering Innovations Aid Transition to Clean Energy:
At a propitious moment in history, QKC unveils The Quantum Kinetic Well® (QKW®), a promising technology offering solutions to the long-standing environmental concerns associated with nuclear power plants. As a pollution-fighting machine, E-PT™ shows trending (and in some cases marked) reductions of radioactive nuclides into inert elements, thus potentially mitigating threats to human health and the earth's ecosystems.
The Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ (QKF™)'s radioactive cleansing is triggered by "atomic" extraction of hydrogen electrons from water at low power levels and at room temperatures. See Figure 1. The technology offers decontamination of wastewater products at existing nuclear sites and increased opportunities for deployment of new nuclear plants globally.

Figure 1: The USPTO & CIPO patented Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ (QKF™) (10) displaying a single stacked unit with the lower reservoir basin (16). QKF™ is a modular and scalable designed resonant cavity for isotope manipulation. The Amptek SiPIN - XR-100CR detector was placed at a 45 degree angle to detect X-ray luminosity readings during experiments. LED cluster array (15) stimulates electron migration during operations.
Experimental Findings Vouch E-PT™:
QKC's research involved partnering with the global leader in isotopic science. The compelling study utilized heavily spiked radioactive cocktails consisting of Cs-137, Pu-239, Am-241, Co-57/60, U-234/235/238, Cr-51, and Sr-90. The experiments revealed the Quantum Kinetic Well® (QKW®) effectively speeds up radioactive beta decay and at the same time fabricates inert atomic elements (carbonaceous hematite / magnetite - CFe3O4). See Figure 2.

Figure 2: The electrodes and treated water from radioactive nuclide spiked wastewater test. a.) Lower basin sedimentation buildup from 45V experiment. b.) 45V extracted treated wastewater dielectric with 3% NHO3 preservative. c.) 90V wastewater post treatment. d.) 90V lower basin sediment buildup. e.) 45V electrode set removed post treatment. f.) 90V electrode set removed post treatment. g.) Zoom in of the sediment on the 45V cathode electrode. h.) Zoom in of the sediment on the 90V cathode electrode showing black carbon magnetite sediment (CFe3O4). Post experiment, electrode 90V had no detectable trace radioactive elements except for Co-57 post experiment.
Tested for three years in national laboratories, the power of E-PT™ is far more effective than high-temperature, high-cost electro-coagulation (EC) methods for water purification. For example, a single-chambered QKF™ shows average reduction values of radioactive Cesium-137 by 10.2%, Strontium-90 by 20.2 %, and Uranium-235 by 19.2% in a mere twenty-four hour period.
To understand the significance of this finding consider the context of the discovery. In nature, Uranium-235 has a half-life of 700 million years. In contrast, a single-chambered QKW® reduces Uranium-235 in a matter of hours. The invention also alters Plutonium-239, Uranium-234/238, Americium-241, and Cobalt-57/60. See Figure 3. To further enhance the E-PT™ effect, simply stack the modular designed chambers in series or parallel configuration, to propel the process not in a linear rate, but an exponential rate. These findings suggest QKC's isotope editing power represents an order of magnitude leap forward for humanity in controlling the identities of atomic elements.
Figure 3: E-PT™ shows average trending reduction of radioactive Strontium-90 by (20.2%), Uranium-235 (19.2%), Cesium-137 (10.2%), Americium-241 (0.6%), Cobalt-57 (14.1%), Cobalt-60 (18.1%), and Chromium-51 (9.4%). Plutonium-239 increased by (3.1%). Uranium-235's standard deviation fell below zero for the ‘low average' value category.
Isotope Editing Propelled by Low Energy Input:
A key advantage of E-PT™ operations is sustainability at very low input power. Rigorous research reveals the revolutionary device successfully dissociates radioactive water between 4.40 - 11.73 watts of electrical input ($0.03 per 24-hrs). A modular multi-stacked version of the QKF™ can be economically run by a 100-watt solar panel/charge controller and a 12V or 24V battery, without utilizing spiked electrolyte as in traditional Faraday electrolysis or high-powered electro-coagulation (EC) approaches. This means isotope revision and management can be powered by the energy of the sun in most locations around the world.
Low Energy Input & High Energy Output (Bremsstrahlung - X-rays):
Physics tell us that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The QKW® technology produces a special form of photon radiation characteristic of atomic nuclear mass changes (beta decay). See Figure 4. These X-rays are the fingerprint identification associated with Safe Nuclear events from the patented E-PT™ process. This is all accomplished with a new form of electrical input power called "The Quantum Kinetic Well®."Because this revolutionary process presents no dangerous high energy neutrons (aneutronic), the E-PT™ process is classified as "Safe Nuclear." This process is similar to Nature's cleansing power of the Aurora Borealis.

Figure 4: The QKW® triggers Safe Nuclear plasma temperatures between 11.5 million to 220 million Kelvin (1keV to 20keV) with radioactive wastewater. a.) The Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ operating during first minute with a sharp characteristic 9.63 keV spectrum emission. b.) Characteristic emissions after 2 minutes. c.) Emissions after 6-hrs d.) After 24-hrs. Note: Red emissions spectrum is the last reading of 24hrs as an overlay comparison. Highest X-ray emission detected was 18.49 keV. The K-Alpha iron nuclear burning luminosity of 6.68 keV (77.5 million degrees Kelvin) was maintained throughout the entire radioactive waste experiment.
In addition, the QKW® process also triggers characteristic 2.2 us (microseconds) photon rise times associated with Muon-Catalyzed transmutation. See Figure 5. During longer operational time periods, the rise time increased from 2.2 to 9.0 us. The QKF™ device is ~121% more efficient than known prior art synthetic Muon-Catalyzed transmutation approaches.

Figure 5: The photon rise times (us - microseconds) of the Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ during the 24-hrs experiment with radioactive wastewater. a.) 1 minute into experiment show 15k of 2.2 us. b.) 2 minutes into the experiment shows 12k count of the 2.2 us, a mild reduction. c.) 6-hrs into the experiment show an 8.7 us rise time growth. d.) 24-hrs into the experiment shows a peaks at 2.2 us, 9.0 us, and 12.1 us.
Commercial opportunities of isotope editing:
The benefits of E-PT™ to nuclear technology are vast, including cost-effective methods for removal of radioactive isotopes from select sites such as Hanford, Fukushima, and Chernobyl. In addition, E-PT™ manufacture of complex carbon-hydrides from any water source will augment advances in nuclear medicine. QKC technologies also offer opportunities for new industry generators such as solid-state batteries from seawater-hydrides (quantum dots) thus promoting the eventual changeover to solid state long term safe hydrogen storage infrastructures. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has assessed Hanford's high level (HLW) nuclear waste management cost could potentially reach up to and beyond $135 to $5 Trillion dollars by 2135.
Not Too Good to be True:
The essence of isotope editing through element transmutation is a technology so amazing it initially startles the intellect. To doubt such good news at first is a natural response. But with time to consider the confirming evidence, people will eventually warm up to the idea. The problem is that with rapid climate change imperiling global ecology, the world has no time left to spare.
About Quantum Kinetics Corporation
QKC holds six patents, numerous trademarks, and copyrights on safe nuclear devices. QKC's research has been published with npjNature: Clean Water for successful water isotope manipulation. QKC is registered with SAM and DUNS and is eligible for emergency Federal contracting in Washington, Oregon, and California. QKC is a member of the CleanTech Alliance in Washington State.
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"The Quantum Kinetic Well: Powering the World with Limitless Clean Energy"
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SOURCE: Quantum Kinetics Corporation