Presidential Candidate Roque De La Fuente, Son of Mexican Immigrants, Salutes Hispanic Contributions to America During Hispanic Heritage Month


Company Update

Monday, 14 September 2020 06:00 AM

WASHINGTON, DC / ACCESSWIRE / September 14, 2020 / Alliance Party presidential candidate Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente, the son of Mexican immigrants, today called on Americans to help celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by acknowledging the contributions Hispanics continue to make to the quality of life in America and around the world.

Hispanic Heritage Month, first observed in 1968, begins tomorrow on September 15, the anniversary of independence from Spain of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico, Chile and Belize also celebrate their independence days during this period, and Columbus Day (Día de la Raza) is October 12. The month-long celebration ends October 15.

Hispanic and Latino Americans make up the second largest ethnic group in the the United States, 52 million people or 16.7% of the national population. Of those, 47 million are American citizens.

The projected Hispanic population of the United States for July 1, 2050 is 132.8 million people, or 30.2% of the nation's total projected population on that date.

"Increasingly, Hispanics are excelling as leaders in all areas of American life, including science, the arts, government, politics, the military, academia, business, entertainment, sports, law, religion and many others," declared De La Fuente, a lifelong businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist now in his second bid for the presidency. "As our culture increases in numbers in the United States, it is with great pride that I know our positive impact on the quality of life in America will also increase, and we will be playing an ever greater role in decades ahead in helping this nation flourish."

De La Fuente, fluent in both Spanish and English, is the Alliance Party's nominee for president, with running mate Darcy G. Richardson. He is also the presidential nominee for the American Independent Party, the Reform Party of the United States, and the Natural Law Party in Michigan.


Over more than a half century, De La Fuente's various business and industrial interests, financial ventures, real estate transactions, commercial and corporate enterprises in numerous U.S. states and overseas have generated tens of thousands of construction and long-term jobs, both directly and indirectly. Total payrolls over the decades are estimated to be in the billions of dollars, resulting in significant economic stimulus.

"As I have lived the American Dream for me and my family, enjoying opportunities we have been given to work hard and smart in order to achieve success in business and life, my fervent hope is that I may be a role model for other young Hispanic men and women who must overcome the unique challenges all minorities face in America as they reach for the stars," De La Fuente asserted.


The Alliance Party and its candidates believe that we should put our national effort towards excelling in the critical areas that determine quality of life for Americans, our global communities, and our planet itself. This requires that at a national level we have a unified vision of what success looks like, as well as unity of effort to achieve our objectives. We believe we must immediately set our sights on winning the gold in the critical areas of economic renewal, climate change, providing quality and affordable healthcare, and educating the future generations of Americans to successfully compete on the world stage. These tasks should begin immediately, Without regard for partisan politics, ideological constraints, or historical limitations. To learn more, visit

Media Contact: Michelle M. Griffith, APR


[email protected]

SOURCE: Rocky 2020

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