Michael Troeger is Featured in a New Professional Profile


Company Update

Monday, 20 February 2023 08:00 AM

During the course of the interview, the veteran educator and educational consultant revealed some fascinating ideas, insights, and opinions.

SHOKAN, NY / ACCESSWIRE / February 20, 2023 / When Michael Troeger, a lifelong educator, expert educational consultant, and respected researcher based out of upstate New York, was approached about becoming the featured subject of a new professional profile, he agreed readily, eager to share both his wisdom and an ethical infusion with the public. The profile, which was conducted by the writing staff of an online periodical that focuses on matters relating to business, leadership, and technology, was published on February 13, 2023.

At the outset of the interview, Michael is asked to define his educational philosophy. "My approach to education is defined by being a relational and ethical leader, which means that I'm student-centric and intent on doing the right thing," he replies, elaborating, "There's a common quote amongst my fellow educators that students don't really care what you know until they know that you care. It may sound trite, but there is truth to that. Simple empathy is a great start, which typically manifests in listening. In actively listening, you're saying to your students and to your staff that their opinions matter. This has implications for instruction, as well as for professional development, and conflict resolution. In fact, active listening is crucial when trying to solve any tough issues."

Regarding ethics, Troeger shared, "The most difficult obstacle I've encountered in my career has been dealing with unethical and corrupt systems, particularly in the field of education. I came into my career with a higher set of ideals, as well as a higher set of expectations of people."

Later in the profile, Michael Troeger addresses a question about his long-term career goals, answering, "This may sound a little unusual, but essentially, I think people are my legacy. My career goal is to continue to effectively and ethically work with my students and staff. Investing in them is what's most important to me. From my point of view, seeing positive transformations in my students and staff, seeing the hope that comes from engaging with them, and helping them acquire the skills they need to live successful lives… is really what it's all about."

Michael Troeger, Monday, February 20, 2023, Press release picture

Anyone interested in reading the profile in its entirety will find it located here, while anyone curious to learn more about Michael Troeger is invited to visit his official website.

About Michael Troeger:

Hailing from Shokan, New York, Michael Troeger is a lifelong educator known for his comprehensive approach to education, combining diversified knowledge with compassionate and ethical leadership. Michael earned his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees from the State University of New York, later completing his Masters of Science in counseling psychology from an advanced program at West Point. While at Long Island University, Michael also earned a master's degree in educational leadership, as well as an Ed.D. in transformational leadership, touting timely research in teacher job satisfaction and positive school culture. Michael has earned five New York State teaching, supervision, and leadership credentials, and is ubiquitously known as a staunch advocate for students.

This strong foundation in both education and psychology shaped Michael Troeger's career, as it showed him the importance of cultivating a multifaceted approach to address longstanding obstacles within the educational field. In the past, he has held a number of key positions within the New York State public educational system, including coordinator of a unified ‘single point' program meant to oversee the placement of at-risk children, one of the first New York State transition coordinators working to aid students with disabilities, and as a pioneer in experiential learning, one of the first New York State school to work coordinators. Later, he would serve in leadership for the Ulster County Transition Coordination Council and Ulster County School to Work Partnership committees as an advocate for students, grades P-16. Michael has also humbly served the marginalized by helping establish a community center, where, as a founding board member, he would oversee a warming center, student advocacy, tutoring, clinical services and more to those in need. Michael has received numerous accolades from the NYS Senate and others for his work with students with disabilities.

Presently, Michael Troeger is the CEO of his own educational consulting firm. He is considered

an expert on student support services, teacher job satisfaction, special education and advocacy, school culture, ethical leadership, program development, and social and emotional learning.

Media Contact:

Email: [email protected]
Website: michaeltroegernewyork.com

SOURCE: Michael Troeger