ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / November 7, 2021 / Limburg Solutions LTD is a sourcing company which has been formed and born out of the heart and mind of a leader in Asian manufacturing and warehousing.
Recently due to the harsh economic conditions born of the Covid-19 pandemic the international business landscape has changed for many SME's on the cusp of "going BIG". Over the last half decade vertical integration was a buzz word concept that brought in funding, promised to save billions and revolutionize the supply chain, the post-covid reality has landed far from that idealistic concept.
Limburg Solutions LTD News
The traditional sourcing model has fought off the in-house threat and is now here to stay, well at least for the immediate future. Limburg solutions LTD has found it's niche, supplying to multiple industries from it's network of Asian manufacturers in a way which traditional sourcing companies can't as they are able to leverage longstanding relationships with warehouses, manufacturers and shipping companies to realise incredibly fast order to shipment times.
There are more than a few types of vertical integration that have been tried over the last couple of years. Most of the successful integrations involve a merger with another company in at least one of the four relevant stages of the supply chain. The difference depends on where the company falls in the order of the supply chain.
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When a company at the beginning of the supply chain controls stages farther down the chain, it is referred to as being integrated forward. Examples include iron mining companies that own "downstream" activities such as steel factories.
Backward integration takes place when businesses at the end of the supply chain take on activities that are "upstream" of its products or services. Netflix, a video streaming company that distributes and creates content, is an example of a company with backward integration. A balanced integration is one in which a company merges with other businesses to attempt to control both upstream and downstream activities.
However for many of the medium sized, non-publicly traded companies acquiring a multimillion dollar business is still out of range and their attempts to become vertically integrated by hiring in house staff has left their business spread thin, unable to balance the cost of new departments, the R&D required to develop the required contacts and the potential financial savings promised. Combined with added pressure of the Covid pandemic the in-house sourcing departments were some of the first departments to get cut.
This has rejuvenated the requirement for sourcing companies like Limburg Solutions who are able to get the job done quickly and cost effectively.
Limburg Solutions Informed
Limburg Solutions Ltd has built a trustworthy B2B platform that serves buyers and suppliers online and offline with a multitude of products from around the globe. The core business facilitates trade between Asia and the world through trade shows, online marketplaces and apps.
Media contact
Company: Limburg Solutions Ltd
Contact Name: Albert Choi
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: limburgsolutionsltd.com
SOURCE: Limburg Solutions Ltd