"We believe that Information Governance professionals are at the start of an exciting journey, fueled by the rapid emergence of transformational technologies such as Generative AI, the proliferation of innovative IG and Compliance capabilities available in the market, and the growing recognition of the importance of Governance in a data-intensive world," said Nathan Hughes, CEO of ARMA International. "For the ARMA Canada Information Conference we are interested in speaker submissions that have a measurable impact and lead to workplace results for the participants that focus on real-world examples of what works, as well as practical takeaways."
The following is a guideline for topics of sessions that can focus on:
- CORE CONCEPTS: The fundamentals of records management, information management, document management, content management, data management, etc.
- DELIVERING EXCELLENCE IN INFORMATION GOVERNANCE: The relationship between the creation, organization, dissemination, and use of information, and the ethical standards and moral codes governing human conduct in society.
- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI): The rapidly advancing world of Generative AI, how AI can be used to benefit IG efforts and AI and privacy considerations.
- PRODUCTIVITY PLATFORMS & BUSINESS PROCESS SOLUTIONS: Best practices and case studies demonstrating successful use with various platforms, including but not limited to: Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Co-Pilot, Purview, Azure, and Google. Sessions focused on implementing proper governance with various platforms and cloud computing and cloud computing tools.
- DATA & RECORDS MANAGEMENT: The intersection of privacy and records management, data maps, data lakes, and the new lifecycle of records, Information Governance for structured data (e.g., Salesforce, SAP, etc.), archival and digital records and considerations for indigenous records keeping and management.
- GROWING THE IG PROFESSION: Leadership, professional development and advancement for IG professionals and records management practitioners.
- LEGAL ISSUES IN IG: The increasingly complex legal and regulatory issues in Canada relating to cyber-security and data protection and cross-border legal and regulatory issues.
- ETHICS: The relationship between the creation, organization, dissemination, and use of information, and the ethical standards and moral codes governing human conduct in society.
- DEI: The topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Registration is now open for the ARMA Canada Information Conference. Full conference registration includes access to all three days of education sessions, Saturday Night Welcome Party, entrance to keynote presentations and the exhibit hall, breakfasts, lunches, and networking opportunities as well as Pre-approval for CRA, CRM and IGP credits. Register before December 19, 2023, for a $400 savings (Canadian Dollars). ARMA members early bird rate is $1,499 (CAD) and Associate/Non-Member Rate is $1,799 (CAD). The Keynote & Connect Pass with access to the Keynote Presentations, the Saturday Night Welcome Party, Exhibit Hall and Networking Opportunities is $499 (CAD). Click this link to register.
ARMA International (www.arma.org), formed in 1955, is the world's leading membership organization serving almost 5,000 professionals who manage and govern information in 52 countries. Members represent the community of records management, information management, and information governance professionals who harness the benefits and reduce the risks of information. ARMA provides information professionals with the resources, tools, and training they need to effectively manage records and information within an established information governance framework. Works that are associated with the framework include the Principles, the Information Governance Implementation Model, and the Information Governance Body of Knowledge (IGBOK). ARMA recognizes professionals who have mastered these concepts through the Information Governance Professional (IGP) Certification.
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For further information, contact:
Amy Riemer, Media Relations Representative
978-475-4441 (office) or 978-502-4895 (cell)
[email protected]
SOURCE: ARMA International