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Quantum Kinetics' Arc Reactor Achieves First-Ever Sustained Nuclear Fusion


Company Update

Tuesday, 31 December 2024 04:30 AM

Quantum Kinetics Corporation has successfully designed, built, patented, trademarked, and publicly demonstrated the functional Arc Reactor™, which permanently holds Nuclear Fusion temperatures of 180 million degrees Celsius with ambient air - no vacuum chamber necessary.

SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / December 31, 2024 / Quantum Kinetics Corporation (QKC) continues to push the limits with their leading edge Safe Nuclear™ technology. Contextually, QKC's first ‘World Record' was set back in 2022 with well water and ocean water, reaching a verified 150 million degrees Celsius sustained for 8-hrs using the Quantum Kinetic Fusor™(QKF™) modular water reactor. QKC's successful demonstration of low-energy nuclear isotope editing was additionally published and peer-reviewed with npjNature: Clean Water, and the Department of Energy DOE / PNNL.

The second cold nuclear fusion ‘World Record' was set on November 5th 2024, with the successful cracking of Uranium-234/235/238, while hitting even hotter nuclear temperatures of 200 million degrees Celsius sustained (18 keV X-rays) for 24-hrs. This momentous new 'World Record' achievement not only fractured Uranium, but also redefines physics as we understand it today. Additionally, QKC has developed another reactor. The flagship patented and trademarked Arc Reactor™ sustains nuclear plasma fusion temperatures of 180 million degrees Celsius (15.5 keV - X-rays) with ambient air. This translates to application in business and industry unprecedented by any fusion company today. See Figure1.

Figure 1: The Arc Reactor™ marshals permanently sustained cold plasma nuclear fusion temperatures for minutes, hours, days, weeks, and even years. The machine stimulates Electro-Physical Transmutation (E-PT™) at 180 million degrees Celsius (X-rays between 1 keV to 37.5 keV) similar to nascent luminous bodies.

Once thought to be for completely theatrical purposes, classical scientists would reasonably dismiss this design to be a non-existent fictional movie prop. Quite the contrary, Quantum Kinetics' Arc Reactor™ utilizes a unique cyclotron approach known as, 'Particle Oscillations as an Energy Generator™' to induce Safe Nuclear™: Electro-Physical Transmutation (E-PT®) on demand. Thus, cold plasma fusion is manipulated resulting in high levels of X-ray energy without increasing localized thermal (infrared) heat.

QKC's sustained nuclear fusion is similar to active galactic nucleus (AGN) such as all cosmic blackbody radiators (1 keV - 37.5 keV), this form of E-PT® energy is real, quantifiable, and measurable with state-of-the-art industry detectors (XR-110CR & PulseTor SDD). Quantum Kinetics consistently replicated the nuclear phenomenon over four years of painstaking research using the water-based Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ (QKF™) device, which is a derivative design of the Arc Reactor™. As stated above, the QKF™ results have been peer-reviewed in a npjNature journal and heralded by the reviewers as "a much-needed invention around the world."

Quantum Kinetics' revelations and stunning "World Record" announcement sent the hot fusion research community into a tailspin. Academia has spent the last 75 years and hundreds of billions of dollars attempting to sustain nuclear fusion to no avail, QKC's announcement has strangely been met not with universal praise and support, but disappointingly with scathing disdain for creating a viable solution to so many energy-based difficulties faced today.

Despite this, officials at Quantum Kinetics realize there is no longer a reason to decelerate the public's attention on the benefits of Safe Nuclear™ plasma fusion. As recently stated by Dr. Vanessa Chan, the Chief Commercialization Officer and Offices Director of Technology Transitions of the U.S. Department of Energy, "We have to find better ways to do everything because we are running out of time."

In short, QKC offers the only viable beacon of hope in the utilization of its patented and trademarked Quantum Kinetic Well®(QKW®) electrical phenomenon. This technological marvel is capable of sustained nuclear fusion at room temperature, with the Arc Reactor™. McKane Lee, the CEO of Quantum Kinetics states, "The Arc Reactor™ can trigger Safe Nuclear™ on demand 100% of the time, while easily transmuting impurities in the ambient air, water, liquid metals, and even the vacuum of space." See Figure 2.

Figure 2: The Arc Reactor™ utilizing the QKW® technology operating at 1.9 watts producing >180 million degrees Celsius nuclear fusion temperatures (X-rays between 1 keV to 37.5 keV) similar to nascent luminous cosmic blackbody radiators. a.) PulseTor SDD X-ray detector spectrum of the Arc Reactor™ after 60-seconds. RED emissions are of radioactive Fe-55 calibration samples. b.) PulseTor SDD X-ray spectrum of the Arc Reactor™ with ‘line representation' of emissions. c.) NASA's NuSTAR X-ray telescope spectrum emission of NGC-1365 showing gravitational distortion effects of X-rays. d.) NASA's X-ray radiation emissions active galactic nucleus (AGN). 'Prograde Rotation' behavior is in likeness to the Arc Reactor™ emissions. e.) The fully functional and operational Arc Reactor™ blackbody radiator cold fusion device.

QKC's reactors glow brightly, consistently, reliably, safely, and do not destroy the devices that created them. The QKW® enhances the environment, both inside and outside of the reactor. In effect, Quantum Kinetics' machines are ushering in the restorative relationship between humans and the planet they inhabit.

Vice President of QKC, Randal Bird, recently stated, "Quantum Kinetics has a responsibility to all of humankind to take what is in our hands now and make it into something to benefit the world." Bird described Quantum Kinetics' mission, "This is now our calling despite the expected avalanche of professional skepticism."

One such commercial application from QKC is development of an Atmospheric Power Plant™ to revitalize the Earth's environment. QKC's research shows that lower power inputs yield more organic life than inorganic materials. An impressive 1,500x growth factor of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was produced from lab grade 99.9% D2O (deuterium-oxide) heavy water (DLM-4-1000). DOC is critical to the Carbon Cycle and enhancement of planet Earth's biosphere. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: Artist and AI generated image rendition Safe Nuclear™ technology repairing Mother Earth and stabilizing a fruitful civilization with the Electro-Physical Transmutation (E-PT™) phenomenon. Scaling the Arc Reactor™ technology into a larger reactor generator is coined, "Atmosphere Processing Plants™". QKC's research confirms that E-PT™'s nuclear burning plasma fabricates organic and inorganic Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen with 30V inputs (CNO nuclear cycle). This type of fruitful fusion is called "Star-Punk" by Dana Kippel, a Hollywood Film Director and visionary.

Another exciting application of the QKW® technology is the deployment of nuclear waste remediation stations at existing and new nuclear fission power plants (SMR) using the Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ reactors. QKC's Safe Nuclear™ fusion reactors transmute harmful radioactive legacy nuclear waste and aid cleansing of operation nuclear fission Small Modular Reactors (SMR) See Figure 4.

Figure 4: AI generated image rendition of a future Quantum Kinetics Corporation's nuclear remediation station. The Quantum Kinetic Fusor™ transmutation device triggers UNF (Used Nuclear Fuel) remediation with head-spinning speed. Effectively speeding up the 700-million years half-life of Uranium-235, and slashing it down to a mere 24-hrs. This Safe Nuclear™ system can process radioactive air, slurry mixes, and poisoned (tritiated) water.

Riley Lee, Attorney/CPA and President of QKC, recently voiced his opinion, "With such an expeditionary vision, we project a future not only with clean and everlasting energy, but with other yet unimagined wonders beyond the ‘Quantum Kinetic Horizon™.' How many other explorers will follow, daring the risks and rewards of discovery - is the outstanding question."

"Everything is achievable with this advanced technology and only limited to the imagination." states McKane Lee. "We are excited to finally be leading the world into a new and brighter future with the Arc Reactor™technology. It's going to be an exciting 2025. Cautiously, we are keeping our eyes open for the real life Obadiah Stane."

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but is it because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." - Mark Twain, Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World.

About Quantum Kinetics Corporation:

QKC holds six patents, numerous trademarks, and copyrights on Safe Nuclear™ devices. QKC's research has been published with npjNature: Clean Water for successful water isotope manipulation. QKC is currently preparing for Series-A funding in Q1 of 2025. QKC is registered with SAM/DUNS and is eligible for emergency Federal contracting in Washington, Oregon, and California. QKC collaborated with Unscripted Arena in a recent podcast. Click here to view the podcast. QKC also has demonstrated Safe Nuclear™ with Dana Kippel, plasma girl, using the Arc Reactor™. Click Here.

For further information visit:
Partnership & Investment interests, contact: [email protected]

YouTube (Bronze Member):

"The Quantum Kinetic Well: Powering the World with Endless Clean Energy"
Amazon, Audible Book, and Barnes and Noble. And coming soon, "Journey Beyond the Quantum Horizon," the second volume of "The Quantum Kinetic Chronicles."








Contact Information

McKane Lee
[email protected]

SOURCE: Quantum Kinetics Corporation